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The Angenomicon (From the French ange meaning “angel” and the Greek nomios meaning “law.”) contains the collected information gleaned from five grimoires of angel magic. It is the single most complete source for angelic magic that has ever been written in the English language.


This single copy is #41 out of only 100 copies which were created in 2019 as part of the Kickstarter campaign for The Angel-Evoking Tarot.


The book is hand-bound with Coptic binding. The pages are vegetable-based virgin parchment with a red buckram-wrapped cover and hand-applied brass leaf gilding. The small size of the book and the binding method are authentic to the period when many ancient grimoires were written.


The cover features authentic gold leaf ornamentation and the interior cover includes marbled endpapers.

Handbound Angenomicon Grimoire

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